Friday, January 27, 2012

3 weeks later

I woke up this morning and weighed myself and the scale read 170. Yes! 6 pounds down, just 10 more to go. I've really been watching my portion sizes, with the exception of 2 nights ago when I made a mean lean lasagna and ate until I was full.  I'm trying to keep my calories to around 1800 a day, and it's not super easy to keep track. I mostly just eat healthy stuff and try my best not to snack. I had drill weekend and I ate well the whole time, less my cheat meal of chicken quesadilla and 2 margaritas. I didn't have any chips and salsa with it, so I saved myself at least 600 calories right there. I work all weekend so I'm shooting for 169 when I weigh myself on Tuesday morning.

1 comment:

  1. great job Corrie! You're going to be my inspiration once I pop this kid out!!!
