Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 1 Pics and Bod Pod results.

This morning I woke up bright and early and had a morning with Michael. He took my Day 1 fitness pictures for me. A little later this morning I will be going to the base fitness center for the Bod Pod (nervous stomach).

I honestly don't think I look bad, just chubby. I've been lifting since last May and I've gained at least 6 lbs from muscle. I wish I could credit all of the weight gain to muscle, but I would be lying to myself and that's the opposite of what I'm trying to accomplish. The areas I would like to shrink most are my arms, abs, back, and thighs.  Bod Pod results as follows:
Weight: 176 lbs   % Fat: 30.1    %Free Mass: 69.1   Fat Mass: 53.189lbs   Fat Free Mass: 123.24    
23%-30% scores in the Moderately Lean category, so I'm barely making it! The results come as no surprise to me, I know I need to slim down. I followed the Bod Pod with 45 minutes on the eliptical and got good and sweaty, then did a good ab workout with crunches and planks, then stretching. The muscle is there, the drive to workout is there, I just need to control what I eat. I used to analyze everything in front of me before I ate it, then I just quit doing it one day and before I knew it my size 10 jeans are getting tight on me.  Well no more, I've got 16lbs of fat to lose by 1 May, and I know I can do it.